PanPan, Engel der Hoffnung

About the Performance




Year 2011:  Pan Pan, Engel der Hoffnung

粵語演出 Performed in English/Cantonese

演出日期 Date: 19-21.8.2011

演出場地 Venue: 沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hal

PanPan, Engel der Hoffnung is about PanPan, an angel who look shorter than others, thinking himself is worse than others. He flet lonely and inferior, until he met someone who changed his life and his life became hopeful. PanPan wants to share his hope to others, so he decided going to the earth......


創作人員Creative Team

藝術總監/導演/編劇 Artistic Director/ Director/Playwright 胡寶秀 Justine Woo

音樂總監/作曲/作詞 Musical Director/Composer/Lyricist   徐偉賢 Peco Chui

編曲 Arranger 褚鎮東 Anthony Chue

編舞 Choreographer     麥沛恆 Arthur Mak / 林俊浩Ivanhoe Lam

聯合導演Associate Director  馬雪宜 Michelle Ma

歌唱指導 Singing Coach  陳青昕Renee Chan

宣傳插畫/影像及動畫設計 Publicity Illustration/Animation Designer    伍尚豪 Peter Ng

佈景及服裝設計Set & Costume Designer 董子蓉 Yung Yung Tung

音響設計 Sound Designer      馬永齡 Matthew Ma

燈光設計 Lighting Designer   呂柏納 Jeff Lui

宣傳設計 Promotion Designer Shammer Creative Studio

現場伴奏 Live Music: 新世紀青年管弦樂團Millennium Youth Orchestra (MYO)

指揮 Conductor 何嘉盈 Jennifer Ho

配器Orchestration 沈韻琦Vicky Shum


製作人員Production Team

監製 Producer   馬蘊怡 Yvonne Ma

舞台監督 Stage Manager莊曉庭Sai Chong

執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Manager 陳緻諾Chan Chi Nok

助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager余慧琳Yu Wai Lam* / JU

舞台助理 Stage Crew 謝民權Tse Man Kuen

製作統籌 Production/Ticketing Coordinator 麥茵 Yan Mak

市場統籌 Marketing Coordinator鄭雪君 Phoebe Cheng

節目統籌 Programme Coordinator 陳基惠 Kei Chan

行政統籌 Administrative Coordinator馮寶茵 Peggy Fung

佈景製作 Set Production 魯氏美術製作有限公司 Lo’s Arts Production Set Construction


* 承蒙香港演藝學院允許參與是次演出           

By kind permission of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts             

House Program


19/8/2011 (Fri) 7:30 p.m.
20/8/2011 (Sat) 3:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
21/8/2012  (Sun) 3:00 p.m.

Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall